
I love November and Thanksgiving because of the increased emphasis on gratitude during this season.  I have fond memories from my childhood of enjoying Thanksgiving together as a family prior to rush of the Christmas season and listening to my mother play her arrangements of Thanksgiving hymns for us on the piano.   I enjoy a greater measure of joy and peace during this season when I remember to be grateful for the abundant blessings that surround me.   I am so grateful for my beautiful wife and my four extraordinary children who bring so much joy into my life. I am grateful for this beautiful world and for the adventures that I get to have here.  I am grateful that I have been given the opportunity to share my music with so many people.  Last autumn, I discovered that my music had been played 100 million times on Pandora.  In the year since that time, my music has been played another 40 million times on Pandora.  It is difficult for me to comprehend this miracle of technology which allows so many millions of people to hear my music.  I am so grateful for all of the emails and messages that I have received during this past year from people who have connected with my music.  It is my hope that you will have a wonderful and peaceful Thanksgiving season.